Ever run for office? (School, club, organization, politics, etc.) Did you get elected?
I was 'services officer' for my student union for two years running. It was a silly title because what I actually did was run the campus shop, a glorified tuck shop which opened for an hour, three times a day and sold student essentials: sweets, pot noodles, baked beans and fags.
The first year I went for the position, the college's socialist fraternity decided they were going to sway college politics by getting as many of their members on the student union council as possible, so I was up against one of their candidates. She knew more people than me and won the vote but quit after a week because she realised she would actually have to do more than sit in on the weekly council meetings.
I was given the position and then won legitimately the following year because nobody went up against me.
It was a great position because I got paid to go to the cash and carry and choose which pick n' mix we should stock. It also meant I could give all my mates jobs and open the shop whenever I wanted.
We substituted our wages with pick 'n mix. Fizzy cola bottles were the 'best seller'.
It certainly made up for going to weekly council meetings.