The news I've been waiting for finally arrived this week: JK Rowling has announced the publication date of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the final book in the series.
In preparation, I plan to re-read the entire series in the preceding weeks, hopefully timing it just right so that I finish the Half Blood Prince just as the new book is released.
Not only does it mean I'll finally find out what happens after years of anticipation but I'll also be able to dust down a set of predictions compiled some friends of mine who are fellow fans to see how close we were to fathoming it all out.
My money is on Jenny's suggestion:
"Petunia will reveal that Lily had an affair with Voldemort and Harry is their son. Harry turns out to be gay and gets off with Ron. Hermione is destraught, drops out, becomes a junkie and goes to the dark side only to discover (in the nick of time) that she is Harry's sister. Ron, Harry, Hermione and Ginny end up in an incestuous four in a bed romp to prove to Dumbledore that love is the most important thing."
Anyway, the speculation as to who she is going to kill off is already rife - it's two characters this time, apparently.
Having grown quite attached to the books I don't like the idea of Harry being dying, I'd like him to have some semblance of a happy ending to counter balance all the trauma he's been through. That aside JK Rowling has proved already that she doesn't let characters off lightly and I wouldn't be surprised if she kills off one of the kids. I think Ginny for major effect on Harry.
For really sick twist Ginny could be a horcrux meaning Harry would probably have to kill her to get defeat Voldemort.
Still not decided on who else might die.
Think Dumbledore will retain a
role as one in his portraits among those of the dead headmasters at
If anyone is interested in other theories and thoughts we came up with I'll post them and I'd love to hear what other people think.