Which band or artist which is no longer performing or alive would you have loved to have seen?
Submitted by Rev Stan.
Have been very impressed by the number of answers given to this and interesting to follow how the answers change during the day. By my rough calculations Vox posts the question in the middle of the night American time because it always changes at lunch time here in old blighty, so as the different parts of the world woke up and started blogging there was a slight shift in choices of artists.
Alot of the American answers seem to include the Beatles, Elvis, Frank Sinatra and other crooners and blues musicians from bygone days while in Europe the Beatles still dominated but bands such as Led Zepplin, Jimi Hendrix and Queen started to creep in.
An alarming large number of people want to see the Spice Girls, to which I'm not going to comment.
I think if I was to tot up the answers the Beatles and Elvis would be in the top two which isn't too much of a surprise.
And now for my answer. Well I could come at it from a different angle and say Laurence Olivier as I regard him as an artist and he did perform and I would have loved to have seen him in a Shakespeare play but that wouldn't be in keeping with what I had in mind when I posed the question.
So my top two has to be Nirvana and Abba.
Nirvana because I just love 'em and will be eternally jealous of my brother Derren who saw them at Rock City in Nottingham. Back then it was still possible to dodge security and get up on stage for a bit of stage diving, which he did. How cool is that?
And Abba because I just love the songs and it would be a great sing-along, have a bit of dance show.