Mosh and I as journalists do on occasion's get blags. Mosh more so than I. And I shouldn't moan but most of them are rubbish, branded stuff you can't even give away to a charity shop. But every now and again you get something cool. Well Mosh does mainly.
And this week was one of those occasions. Mosh has been to Vienna on a car launch and he was given a PSP which of course he's passed straight onto me as I use to be a bit of a Gameboy and PS2 fan.
Or course the slight downside is the instruction booklet is only in French and German and the charger has a German plug on it.
The upside is that Mosh did A-level French and the German plug fits in a shaver adaptor. Hurray.
The PSP comes with a racing game and I can already feel my gaming obsession coming back. A list of accessories I need is already forming in my head, a memory stick being number one.
Currently neither of us can work out how to turn it off.
It's at times like this I realise how lucky we are to do what we do for a living.