There are so many films out and coming out at the moment that I'm struggling to keep on top of seeing them (damn having to work for living).
So first the bad.
Lady Chatterley. Obviously obsessed with the book as a teenager and oh how it all seems so innocent now in an age when ladies in the limelight think nothing of flashing a bit of vag on a night out.
The film is based on a later version of the book rather than the one that I read and what can I say about it. There was no chemistry between the two central characters which is quite a major flaw in a story about repressed feelings, passion and love.
Then there was the film itself. It was flabby, with over indulgent lingering shots of flowers and the rain and would have benefited from some severe pruning in the editing suite. The only interesting thing I could say about it is that on IMDb one of the plot keywords is 'genitalia'.
Fairing better in the entertainment stakes was Two Days in Paris with Adam Goldberg and Julie Delpy. It was
refreshing to see a romantic comedy - a genre that normally fails to live up to either moniker - that actually had a bit of intelligent humour about it.It plays on the cultural stereotypes of American's abroad and the French and could quite easily have been awful but had an essence of realism in it that made it work superbly.
I recommend watching with a large glass of red or a bottled beer.