And not because of Christmas. Yes it's a great excuse to meet up with friends and I'll be doing plenty of that over the next few week but the reason I'm so excited is because it means I have only two weeks and two days of work left this year. And I have veritable feast of culture and entertainment planned between now and the end of the month: Hamlet, Twelfth Night, Gethsemane (fingers crossed Mosh's MAF is able to get us tickets), James, Gogol Bordello, Dylan Moran, ice skating at Somerset House with Nadia and a trip to Liverpool with Mosh.
And then there are all the things I want to do while I'm off like visit the Andy Warhol exhibition at the Hayward Gallery, Byzantium at the Royal Academy and the Annie Liebovitz exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. There are tons more but these are top of my list.
I'll also be able to queue up for cheap day seats for a some plays and catch up with some films I've missed.
All in all shaping up to be a very good month.