Yep first full day and can I just say it's friggin' freezing, almost too cold to stop and take pictures. Almost, although I admit I'm not spending anyway near as long I would normally trying to compose the shot and pissing around with different settings. So not surprisingly we spent quite a bit of time inside.
First it was the Merseyside Maritime museum which also houses the International Slavery Museum. If you want to find out a bit about the city's 800 year history this is the place to go, particularly in the winter when there aren't any walking tours. Of course the only bits I can now remember are things like the Liver Birds being as high as a double decker bus. It also meant a bit of a trip down memory lane with a wander around the Albert Dock. It all seems marginally more upmarket than I remember and Fred's weather map has gone - boo.
The Picton Reading Room was closed so we went straight to the Walker Art Gallery. One of the few cultural things I did as a student was visit here often with my friend Chris who was studying art and then with one of my boyfriends who passed on his love of the Pre-Raphaelite painters to me. It's been over 16 years since I last saw them and I fell in love all over again.
And if anyone is heading to Liverpool and wants a good restaurant recommendation then they could do worse that go to Zorba's Greek restaurant on Leece Street. I don't think I will need to eat for a week.