Yesterday was not 'one of those days' because describing it as such implies I've had more than one day like it. And I haven't. I've had elements but not all in the same 12 hours period.
It was a real mix of delight and the bizarre, starting off with having my photo taken at work for some marketing material:
Hands in skirt pockets. Hand in jacket pockets. Arms folded. Arms down by sides. Arms behind back. Jacket off. Chin up. Chin down. Smile with teeth. Smile without teeth. Turn slightly right. Turn slightly left...
And all the while doing my best Tyra-impressing 'smeyes' which means I'll probably look demented.
After work I went to my first proper Tweet Up. Not just an informal gathering that is sparked by a dose of coincidence but a proper, bona fide, organised by real organisers Tweet Up. And it had the cute name of Twespians.
It was sort of equivalent of a Star Trek convention but for theatre folks (without costumes): People like me who are a little bit obsessed with going to the theatre, others who are a lot obsessed plus those involved in producing, acting, reviewing and marketing.
Got to meet some people I've conversed with a lot on Twitter, some I just follow and some new people and it was a real buzz. I'm slightly bemused that this thought is heading onto the screen but I can understand the appeal of conventions now - meeting up with like-minded people.
If I hadn't got a ticket to a preview of Never Let Me Go at the BFI I would have stayed the whole evening. But if I hadn't had the ticket I wouldn't have a) seen a film that made me snot-cry and b) had my viewing enjoyment disturbed half way through by a commotion at the back of the auditorium which culminated in someone shouting 'is there a doctor in the audience?'. Someone had taken ill, couldn't see what was going on but I heard paramedics mentioned afterwards. And yes there was doctor in the audience who dutifully responded to the call.
But my day less ordinary didn't end there. I didn't realise that the film was followed by a Q&A with Kazuo Ishiguro, who wrote the novel on which the film is based (it is one of my favourite books). Can I just write that again because I still can't quite believe it: Kazuo Ishiguro, booker short-listed three times and one-time winner. I was in awe which adds to the level of nerdyness I feel I'm building up during this post.
The only bit of all this that I can confidently say 'it was one of those days' about is that it reminded me why I love living in London.
I'll be writing up my thoughts on Never Let Me Go plus a bit about the Q&A over the next few days when I've stopped welling up everytime I think about it.