It's been a busy, busy week. First there was the day less ordinary then three days away from home for work, putting in long hours, then coming back and going straight to the theatre on Friday night to see little Colin Morgan on stage.
Barely time to take breath.
And I'd like to say the weekend has been more restful. And it has in a way because I've spent a lot of time in the kitchen which is mentally very restful. Yesterday is was baking and roasting stuff for me for the freezer and then today baking for our charity cake sale at work tomorrow. I decided to try out a new recipe book from a newish cookbook, it's the same one I got the courgette and camomile cupcakes from.
It's got grated beetroot in it which gives it a lovely pink colour - a cheesy-homage to the cheesy romantic theme of tomorrow Valentine sale - I've added my own little garnish.
So this is what I was aiming for:
And this is how it went: