If ever there was a song that takes me back to another country and another time then this has to be it.
We were on holiday in Cuba, it was New Year's Eve and our Cuban guide Marlon had organised a fantastic evening for us. It started with a sunset flag ceremony and dinner over looking the ocean as the last bit of light left the sky.
Then we headed into Santa Clara to a music house where Septeto Sones de Oriente were playing. It was wonderful music and everyone was relaxed and having a great time.
I had to buy a copy of CD and no it wasn't one of those holiday impulse purchases that ends up in the bin. I call it my sunny music. Whenever work is tough or the weather is bad I put this on and I'm immediately transported back to beautiful, sunny Cuba and my lovely trip there.
After the music house we went to the main square where there was more music but things didn't really kick off until after the midnight speeches and then the place came alive. It was like being in a movie, the square was full and everyone was dancing. And no one was dancing alone for long.
Download 02 Arrea Pa Que Ilegues